Friday, December 2, 2011

What students can drive to school at Shen? (by Marshall Ulrich)

At Shenendehowa High School in Clifton Park, New York, only seniors are allowed to drive in. There are very few exceptions that would allow a junior or an older sophomore to be allowed parking privileges.

Officials at Shen argue that there aren't enough parking spaces for non-seniors to be able to drive in and that driving to school is a privilege, not a right.

Some students argue otherwise. One junior at Shen claims that not being able to drive in causes him to be late for his job. The student, who works part-time at a restaurant, says that by the time he gets off the afternoon bus, he only has ten minutes to get to work on time.

Personally, I think that the current rules should stand with a few minor changes. More juniors should be able to drive in to school if they have a job to go to after school or something like that. There should be more exceptions on juniors being able to drive in and administrators should be more lenient on letting non-seniors get parking passes.

What do you think about the driving rules at Shen? Leave a comment below and tell us what you think.

(Photo Courtesy: